One young cat lover named Evan has inspired generosity and hope, after proving that compassion for cats can come at any age.
The 10-year-old has displayed an uncharacteristic sense of charity, by saving up his allowance for the past three years to donate to his local animal rescue, City Kitties. Evan's cat, Macha, came from the West Philadelphia-area organization, and in 2009, he delivered his first donation, along with this handwritten note:

Dear City Kitties,
My name is Evan. I am 7 years old. And guess what?... I LOVE cats! They are my favorite animals, and I got my cat at City Kitties, as well! THANK YOU for letting me get my new cat! Thank you, City Kitties!
P.S. I get an allowance every week and I chose to make a donation to you. I love that you help cats find homes. I saved this money to help you help cats.

Evan and Macha in 2010
The following year, Evan picked up a picture of a foster cat named Calvin at a City Kitties art auction. That summer, the loyal fundraiser eschewed a lemonade stand in favor of selling figs from his family's tree, and raised $86 to help Calvin and homeless cats like him.
Over the next few months, Calvin had become a favorite with the boy, and his dad contacted City Kitties to see if they could help him with a surprise. Evan was told that Calvin was getting adopted and that they were going to say goodbye, but when they arrived, Evan found out that Calvin's new home would be his own!
His 2011 letter read:

"...And a happy new year...Let's hope it's a good one, without any fear." - Happy Xmas - John Lennon
Dear City Kitties,
Dear City Kitties,
I hope you have had a great year! I have given my annual holiday donation with this letter. I am enclosing....$97.00! I saved up a lot of money this year! How is Clark Kent? I hope he is getting better! I am so happy that people like you are around to save abandoned kitties from danger! I want to help you do that and I hope other people will help, too!
Evan S.
*P.S.* Our City Kitties are doing great - (despite Macha playing roughly with Calvin and Elsa.)

Now 10, Evan's most recent letter arrived at the cat charity last month, accompanied by his largest donation to date. He saved $110, which was matched by his parents, for a grand total of $220.
He writes:
"Let there be peace on earth."
December 15, 2012
Hello all City Kitties Staff -
I hope that you guys have had a great year 2012! As I do every year, I am making my holiday donation. This year it will be $110.00 ($CX). It is my first year donating a three-digit dollar amount. (When I was 1 digit years old, I donated a two-digit dollar amount. Now that I'm 2 digits years old, I donated a three-digit dollar amount.) I will keep donating to help save abandoned kitties from danger.
*P.S. Do you like my cursive?
*P.P.S. Our City Kitties are doing well. Thankfully, they are not terrorizing the house anymore.
Yes, Evan, we like your cursive very much, but not as much as your devotion to helping cats in need! The caring 10-year-old has inspired countless others with his generous spirit, and shows how anyone can make a difference, big or small.
City Kitties is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, no-kill, volunteer-run rescue dedicated to saving and improving the lives of stray cats and kittens in West Philadelphia. To learn more, visit their website at citykitties.org.
Via Reddit / City Kitties (1, 2)

What a furry nice boy that gives his allowance to the City Kities (((purr))) (((purr)))
His parents must be so proud! Charitable people especially at such a young age are harder to find nowadays.
What a special boy!
Sue B
Bless your kind soul, Evan!
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