This week, Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, and Henri, le Chat Noir became published authors, my kitties reviewed, the cat video toy for 21st century felines, Jacki shared her hilarious and heartwarming bachelorette (catchelorette) party cake, we checked out some cool reader pics and posted updates on The Catsparella Store, and Around The World In 80 Cats visited Taipei, where they recently unveiled a half million dollar "Cat Overpass" in Houtong!
Elsewhere, there's still time to enter for your chance to win a limited edition tee from Street Pussy! I'm drawing the lucky winner this coming Tuesday, 4/23!
Also, I want to give a shout-out to Christie from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society for inviting me to attend their Paws for Celebration event last night in East Brunswick, NJ! The company (and food!) were top notch, and I had a wonderful time! The rescue had a terrific year, and found forever homes for 154 cats in 2012. I'll be writing more about the awesome work they do later this week!
And finally, it is with great difficulty that I write this (literally, because the screen keeps going dark every two seconds, ughhh), but after five years and nearly 2,000 posts, my beloved laptop has decided that it's time to retire from the cat blogging game. It probably seems silly to be so sad about a machine, but I have a tendency to get emotionally attached to things, and it was my first laptop, and the computer I started Catsparella on almost three years ago. I'm going to pick up a replacement as soon as I finish writing this (I'm not quitting blogging, just mourning my dead Mac), but first, let's have a toast to the good times. It only seems fitting that she went out on a Caturday.
~*RIP MacBook 2008 - 2013*~

This week's featured feline is a pretty ginger rescue kitten, and her beautiful stepsisters!
Sara writes:
Frankie is a 10-month-old rescue kitten from Buffalo, NY! She always sleeps with her tounge out!

She is our little devil, the last one in the litter that no one wanted because she was all covered in dirt and sadly full of parasites. A little bit of soap and a lot of medication from the vet, and she was as good as new. She loves rolling in her Sunday paper, stealing q-tips, and she can't sneak attack her stepsisters enough!

Kitty and Penny
My other two rescue cats are Kitty (gray) and Penny (black). Penny was named after penguins since they both wear the same outfit, and was adopted from our local pet shelter just last year. Her hobbies include harassing her people parents for water from the tub faucet every time they use the bathroom, and hogging the cable box for warmth.
Kitty is our little diva. She likes to lay on you a certain way and will wait until you have that blanket just right before she will grace you with her presence. After years of being jealous, Kitty finally found a friend in her buddy Frankie, and loves rolling around in hourly wrestling matches with her.
Special thanks to Sara for sharing her lovely ladies with us this week!
p.s. Looking for more Catsparella? Check out my weekly style column over on Catster!
This week:
Own a Piece of Your Favorite Internet Celebrity Cat
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share. I can't wait to hear from you!

Awww these are my beautiful neices :)
Those kitties are so cute. I hate when the computer or laptop goes. I get attached too.
Sue B
Oh I am, as I always am, utterly enchanted.
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