True story: When I graduated from college, I made my own embellishment to the cake: A small Hello Kitty figurine that I fitted with its own little cap.
If only I had known that other, far less boring options were available, I too could have rejoiced in a little cat cap of my own.
When Laura Gambrel graduated from Indiana University last month, her mom Carol decided to order a cake with her picture on it to celebrate. In addition to specifying that the cake should include Laura's school colors (red and white), she also requested that the decorator try to draw a "little cap" on her daughter's head.
In a hilarious miscommunication torn straight from the virtual pages of Cake Wrecks (in case you're not familiar with the site, their tagline is "When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong"), the bakery employee mistook her request for "cap" as CAT, and thus the legendary baked good was born.
The image of the glorious cake, featuring Laura's head topped with the tiny icing cat, has now gone viral on Reddit, Gawker, and even appeared on Good Morning America this A.M.
Fortunately, the graduate and her family had a good sense of humor about the whole thing ("I could not stop laughing," she says), and insisted that the feline chapeau stay.
As one Gawker commenter helpfully points out, "Remember, after you've received your degree, you flip the tail from the right to the left."
Via Gawker / Good Morning America / Reddit

That's so funny! I guess a cat on the head is better than a cap on the head anyway.
LOL. At least they could laugh at it.
Sue B
OMG, that made me laugh so much my stomach hurts!!
I think the cake looks better with a cat than a cap ;-)
ha ha ha that is amazing, I definitely wouldn't of requested an updated cake either :P
omg the tail flip joke, BWAHAHA. Way better than a graduation cap if you ask me.
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