Fans of Sarah Sobole's popular Doctor Cat webcomic will be excited to learn that her first book is on its way! Sobole's Kickstarter to produce the first ever Doctor Cat books has already exceeded its goal, with 11 days still left to go.

Doctor Cat, who has been "operating Fridays" since 2011, is an adorable and often hilarious glimpse into the life of a cat who somehow managed to obtain a medical license. He (she?) performs surgeries, delivers babies, and even takes time out of his busy schedule to answer fan mail (Q: Since hygiene is so important in hospitals, don't you think you should be wearing pants? A: Haha, that's ridiculous! Who's ever heard of a cat wearing pants?!)

The purpose of the Kickstarter is to produce a 72-page full color book featuring the first Doctor Cat story, and a 6-page bonus about Lawyer Cat teaching Doctor Cat how to play golf.

There will also be a second, shorter book ("Doctor Cat's Day Off"), that includes four pages of bonus comics starring Lawyer Cat and Human Nurse.

Donation levels range from $6 for a PDF file of each book, to $500 for the chance to appear as a background character in an upcoming comic.
With the original $8,500 goal safely behind her, Sobole recently added some "stretch goals" to encourage folks to pledge. When she hit $9,000, contributors were promised stickers shipped with every physical order, and after recently clearing the $12k mark, Sarah unveiled some super cool prints and posters (like Chat Docteur, above) available to those who contribute in the $15, $40, and $60 range.
Want more Doctor Cat? Catch up on all of the medical marvel's adventures here, follow him on Facebook, and visit the Doctor Cat shop to stock up on shirts, buttons, stickers and even a Doctor Cat plush!
The Doctor Cat Kickstarter campaign officially comes to a close on Sunday, July 21.

What!?! I used to pretend that my former cat was a doctor and I even made a few comics with him 'treating' his patients. The comics were more gruesome though. Are all cat owners really that similar?
I can't wait for the book to come out. I also love to pretend my cat as a doctor and she definitely enjoys it.
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