Summer is coming to an end, and what better way to kickstart your fall than by advertising your feline related shop, product, or blog/website on Catsparella!
By supporting Catsparella, you'll be gaining exposure and attracting new customers through an award winning cat blog, that welcomes thousands of devoted kitty lovers each month!
I currently offer three size options (Large, Medium, and Small), that are all highly visible on the right hand side of the page. Also, the ads go up on a rolling basis (not just the 1st of the month), so I can work with whatever timeline fits your schedule!
The large ad spot is currently booked through November, but is available for December 2013.
Medium and Small ads are available immediately.
Click here to check out sizes and rates, and email me at catsparella@gmail.com if you have any questions, or to reserve your spot today!

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