Friday, August 23, 2013

This Cat Music Video Will Make All Of Your Dreams Come True

Dreams Are Real from Ryan Barger on Vimeo.

"Time travel. Space Exploration. Violence. Drama. Love. Cats. Dreams."

Filmmakers Ryan Barger and Katie Akana take you on an odyssey through the feline imagination in a magical music video featuring kitty bunk beds, flying cat bees, and one totally bitchin' feline band. Remember kitties, you can do anything you set your mind to. Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Via Jezebel


  1. This is just... YES. Yes, to all of it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh, wow...the video of the giant snow cat built in their back yard is amazing, too! I want a giant snow cat...

  3. I LOVED it. What a great selection of really great products, kitties and videos you give us to enjoy, Catsparella. xox

  4. very clever, I like the song and the cats are so laid back, I think they enjoyed making the video
