"Freeze! It's the purr-lice!" - Mango and Mango Kobun
I always love a feline officer of the law, and my heart was warmed once again by the story of Mango and Mango Kobun, two kitties who have taken up residence at a police station in Seoul, South Korea.

Kotaku reports that Mango was brought to the station back in June, after being discovered in a dumpster. Things weren't looking good for the kitten, who was facing euthanasia if his owner wasn't found. Worse yet, after taking a trip to the vet, they found a lump in his stomach that required costly surgery to remove.

Thankfully, a compassionate officer attempted to raise money to cover the procedure, and when the vet heard about his plight, offered to operate at a discount. The surgery was a success, and Mango was able to return to the police station in purrfect condition.

If that wasn't a happy enough ending, another cat, almost identical appearance to Mango, showed up at the same precinct a short time later. The kind officers once again decided to take in the starving stray, and now both cats live at the station where they are paid in playtime and snacks!

Via Kotaku / 망원파출소의 묘(猫)한 경찰관?!

LOVE this! Purr-lice…..LOL!
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