I gatti leccano di tutto! (Cats lick it all!)
Cats are quick little devils, and the effects of a toppled glass can be unpredictable if you aren't quick to clean it up. That's the message behind a new commercial from household cleaning supply company Vileda Italia, that promises their microfiber mop will save your cat from stains.

Cats lick anything

The clip features felines (hypothetically) under the influence of everything from caffeine to chamomile, to adorably illustrate the importance of cleaning up spills before kitties get to them!

Salsa Piccante

In case you were worried any cats were harmed during the making of the commercial, fear not. A disclaimer posted along with the video assures, "The behaviors of the animals depicted in the video are not related in any way to the actual intake of the drinks in the associated caption! In addition, we have been assured that the last cat in the video is actually a teetotaler :)."

Too much wine!
Via Buzzfeed

so cutehttp://hotelscan.com/city/kangar!!mmm
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