This week, cats licked it all in an adorable Italian mop commercial, Jack Gepetto and his magic tongue found fame on Instagram, and we enjoyed Ana Fuji's sweet fondant feline cupcakes!
Mitten and Max
This week's featured felines are a precious pair of kitties who are the best of friends!
Kasey writes:
We adopted these two rambunctious bottle-fed baby brothers from Kitten Rescue Los Angeles two years ago.
Black beans on Max
Mitten making it fit
Michael and I were looking to adopt a black cat because we heard they were the least likely to be adopted, and we wanted to get two so they could keep each other company while we were at work.
Window dressing
Cuddled up
The three things that stood out to us when we met these rascals were how friendly and playful they were and how they really were best friends. Once we laid eyes on them in person, we were smitten and had to adopt them.
Making friends

Favorite pose
We couldn't be happier! We say Max (black bombay) takes after Michael, because he loves to eat his protein - bacon, chicken cartilage, bring it on.
Li'l Human
Our little baby
Mitten (grey tabby) takes after him mommy and loves his carbs - little pieces of french bread or croissants are his favorite treats. :-)

Xmas kitties
How adorable are Kasey, Michael and their sweet feline family! Special thanks go out to them for sharing their fur babies with us this week! ♥

Love how they're going for the bacon :)
Cute Bacon thief picture ♡♥♡
Happy 2th Gotcha Day :)
sweet cats....... i miss my cats...
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