I started this blog from my bedroom in 2010 as a creative outlet, and as a way to escape an unfulfilling job in human resources. I am extremely grateful and humbled that I was able to channel my passion for cats into a blog, and eventually a career. It was difficult for me to leave everything I've ever known back in New Jersey, but I'm also very excited to start this new chapter in my life.
Purina is home to iconic cat brands such as Cat Chow, Tidy Cats, Friskies, and Fancy Feast, and as part of my role as Community Manager, I will be leading the Pro Plan Cat community. We are gearing up to launch a brand new page on Facebook and Twitter in the coming months, and I hope you will join me there!
As I look back over the past 3 and a half years, more than anything, I am so thankful for all of the wonderful individuals (human and feline) that I have met. It's been an honor telling your stories, and sharing all of my favorite cat finds with you week after week. That being said, this isn't a goodbye. While I continue to figure out my new life here, I will still pop in with news and updates (and Caturday posts!), and hope you will stop by to say hello and see what's new.
Thank you again to everyone who has gone down this road with me, and taken the time to read, comment, and share one of my posts. Catsparella has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life, and I am forever changed because of it.
Wishing everyone and their kitties a very happy new year filled with cats, cupcakes, and love!